
Showing posts from February, 2020

Journal's Review about Speaking

This journal that had been reviewed by Siti Rohmah " Utilizing Video Simulations to Improve  Educational Leaders’ Public Speaking Skills " Introduction:    School and district administrators may unexpectedly find themselves in front of a television news camera with only a few moments notice prior to a live or videotaped interview session. A breaking news story could be anything from a crisis situation to a human interest segment celebrating a school eventand educational leaders need to be prepared to effectively represent their school and district communities through this medium. In addition to these situations, many school districts now produce their own cable television programs, broadcasting talk shows hosted by superintendents, town hall meetings, or formal speeches made by administrators. This article will explore ways in which educational leadership programs may utilize video simulations and video portfolios to prepare future school and district leader...

Journal and Articel

What is Journal? Journals are scientific publications that contain a collection of articles and are generally published regularly, such as twice or four times a year. Articles written for journals are reviewed or evaluated by the reviewer team before entering the journal editorial table. Journal article reviewers are usually more than one person who is an expert in a particular field of study according to the topic written in the article.Journals in general contain a number of references which are the references for writing each article. The types of articles written are not limited to research reports, but can also take the form of literature reviews. A journal article that is a typical research report consists of several parts of the title, abstract, introductory description, literature review, methodology, results of analysis, discussion and implications of research results. Sometimes it is accompanied by suggestions about further research agendas and recommendations. What is...